Diseases and Conditions

Body dysmorphic disorder

Coping and support

Talk with your doctor or therapist about improving your coping skills, and ways to focus on identifying, monitoring and changing the negative thoughts and behaviors about your appearance.

Consider these tips to help cope with body dysmorphic disorder:

  • Write in a journal. This can help you better identify negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
  • Don't become isolated. Try to participate in normal activities and regularly get together with friends and family who can act as healthy supports.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, stay physically active and get sufficient sleep.
  • Join a support group. Connect with others facing similar challenges.
  • Stay focused on your goals. Recovery is an ongoing process. Stay motivated by keeping your recovery goals in mind.
  • Learn relaxation and stress management. Try practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.
  • Don't make important decisions when you're feeling despair or distress. You may not be thinking clearly and may regret your decisions later.